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I’ve made several unsuccessful attempts at creating a personal blog in the past. These were some of the reasons behind those failures:

  • I became too obsessed with aesthetics, spending a lot of time without completing a single blog.
  • The overall process was too complex, causing me to abandon it after a few posts.
  • I didn’t have much to write about.

Yet again, I’m starting a new blog, but this time with Hugo.

Why Hugo? 🤷‍♂️

Hugo emerged as a clear winner over other frameworks for several crucial reasons:

It’s Convenient.

I was already creating Zettelkasten notes in markdown format for a personal knowledge base and idea management. Since Hugo pages are just markdown files, all I need to do is write a markdown file, and the blog updates automatically.

It’s Blazing Fast.

Being a static site generator optimized for markdown files, Hugo-powered websites are lightning-fast. This speed surprised me, as it even outperformed some of the vanilla HTML-CSS-JavaScript websites I’ve built in my previous attempts.

These were the two most important reasons behind my choice. In the future posts, I will upload posts that deals with my personal projects and idea notes. Thank you for reading!